Montag, 14. Dezember 2015

Summary of the last couple of weeks

Hello everyone, it's time for a new post. Summer here in Hobart turned out to be very good so far. With Christmas coming closer, we hope to great weather as well over the holidays.

Cockle Creek
Setting ourselves up.

Jan and Harry observing the surf eeearly in the morning.
 Getting ready for a nice hike to the surf spot to watch some seriously big waves.

Bine equipped with the camera and prepared to take some nice surf pictures.
What a view!
 Jan and Harry getting ready to paddle out.

Harry waiting in the line-up.

So is Jan...
...and is catching a wave :-)
Lina and August enjoying the view and action on the water.
Bine's legs sneaking into the picture :-D.

Mt Wellington: Zig Zag Track
Nice view from the track.
Up top with 60 km/h wind!

Orcas visiting the Derwent River
We've been really lucky to watch some Orcas travelling through the Derwent River just 10km from home. Thanks to facebook for the alert. Awesome to be able to enjoy this unique experience from our boat.
  Us being excited :-)

Fortescue Bay
 A camping weekend away at beatiful Fortesque Bay with some curious visitors.

And some delicious Abalones to take home. Thanks Jan for collecting them all.

Maria Island
Starting the weekend off with a relaxed surf session for the 'students' (no waves for Jan cause too tiny :-)).
August caught a nice big Wrasse.

Jan just finished degutting and descaling these delicious Australian Salmon (similar to the German Forelle)

The guys clearly improved on their fishing skills and we all could enjoy some very delicious fish.