Donnerstag, 25. September 2014

A weekend in Adelaide and a new chapter begins

And another 3 months have passed with no news from us...
What are they doing? Where are they? What has happened since June?

Bine is really busy so I took some time to report to you what has happened so far.

Well, we're doing really fine, we still live in Tasmania and will move in about 3 weeks into a new flat not too far from were we are at the moment. We are now definetely staying here for at least another 3 years as I just got my scholarship approved and will start my PhD within the next week or so. For those who don't remember: It's about biodiversity modelling in the southern ocean using sparse data. In a short version this means I will first have a close look at an area in the southern ocean, where there is some data on fish species and their abundance  as well as data on the physical environment (like water temperature, cloud cover, bathymetry, ice cover etc). From this I will try to build a model that allows to predict biodiversity using just the physical data. The data is already collected so my PhD is strongly based on the statistical analysis of the data. However, I might still be able to hop onto a boat to the antarctic sometime in the next few years.

Bine is currently in Adelaide beeing trained in managment and administration. When she comes back in about 4 weeks she's supposed to take over and manage the tasmanian office of her company. She's doing really well and I'm pretty confident she's going to have a lot of success with her job.
So at the moment we're exactely where we want to be: at the start of a really exciting new life in Hobart.

Enjoy the pictures and if anyone wants to give us a visit in Tasmania you are very welcome :-)

Cheers Jan and Bine

Last weekend Jason and Chanda (the owners of the company Bine is working for) invited me over to Adelaide to spend a weekend with them. I had a short stopover in Sydney on my way to Adelaide and the pilot was kind enough to take a little detour around the bay

That picture was taken shortly after I got notified that I was getting my scholarhip for the PhD

The next day Jason and Chanda invited us on a hot air baloon trip an hour away from Adelaide. We got up at 4 o'clock after having a few drinks the evening before. Everyone was a little tired at the beginning, but the excitment soon took over and a later event made sure we had lots to talk about for the next few days.

 group selfie

and lift off

Jason and Chanda

About 5 seconds after the pilot f#### up and we landed in the water. I somehow didn't get too scared and took this picture of Jason.

Thinking about it afterwards, it was quite scary as water got into the basket pretty quick and pretty high up to the knees on one side and over the ankles on the other side of the basket. A little less hot air in the ballon and I don't know how our trip would have ended. The pilot somehow still managed to get us up high to enjoy the view. 

 short before landing

our wet feet

lunch at a farm in a beautiful setting
